Our Pastor

On November 7, 2021, Pastor Brian Rice officially began his ministry at Joyce Bible Church. Brian grew up in Massachusetts as an atheist, but placed his faith in Christ at 21 years old (January, 23 2006), thanks to two significant factors: The Lord drawing him to Himself (John 6:44), and his now wife Rachel. On December 22, 2006 Brian and Rachel got married. He worked in meteorology for four years, then in 2011 the Lord called Brian into full-time ministry working with adults with disabilities at his non-denominational church in Virginia (McLean Bible Church), as well going to Dallas Theological Seminary to pursue a Masters in Christian Leadership. During this time, the Lord blessed the Rice family with their first two children, Audrey and Juliet. Upon completion of his MACL in 2015, the Lord called Brian to be an Associate Pastor at an affiliated Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA) church in Florida (Heritage Bible Church). There the Lord blessed the Rice family with Caleb, Brian was introduced to the C&MA, became ordained, and transitioned from Associate Pastor to Lead Pastor in 2018.
In 2021, the Lord closed Brian's chapter in Florida, and he is now excited for what God is going to do in and through himself and the people of Joyce Bible Church. His heart is to “equip the saints for the work of ministry” (Ephesians 4:12); to love God, love others, and make multiplying disciples. He is a grateful husband to his wife, Rachel and a proud father to his three children Audrey, Juliet, and Caleb. Rachel has a heart and gifting for women's ministry as well as advocacy for victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse. We look forward to getting to know and becoming a part of this wonderful community!